Energy Justice Programs

Energy justice programs

Local and state governments across the country are interested in offering assistance to those that are adversely affected by the energy transition, including those that have suffered job losses, cannot access employment opportunities or new technologies, or cannot pay their rising energy bills.

Common questions we hear include:

  • “What programs exist that focus on such ‘just transition’ issues?”
  • “Where are they located?”
  • “What motivated their adoption?”
  • “What are the lessons learned?”

Besides addressing this question in our research, we also study what factors lead local governments to offer programs focused on energy justice and a just transition.

Related Publications

Delivering on Environmental Justice?

justice-40.pngThis article presents research on early state implementation of Justice40, which requires that 40 percent of the benefits of designated federal programs be targeted to disadvantaged communities, in the area of transportation. 

"Delivering on Environmental Justice? U.S. State Implementation of the Justice40 Initiative," (S. Conley, D. Konisky, M. Mullin), Publius: The Journal of Federalism, (May 2023)

Read the article

Policy Options to Enable an Equitable Energy Transition

worker-icon.png Credits: Nikita Kozin at the Noun ProjectThis report covers 35 policy proposals in six major categories. Sanya Carley and David Konisky introduce Chapter 2. "Energy Infrastructure and Resilience."

"Policy Options to Enable an Equitable Energy Transition," (D. Raimi, ed.) Resources for the Future: Washington, D.C., (April 28, 2021)

Read the report

Equity in National Climate Policy

The Green New Deal introduces a justice framework--a key component of successful national climate policy.

"What we can learn from the Green New Deal about the importance of equity in national climate policy," (D. Konisky, S. Carley), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, (June 2021)

Link to academic article

Evaluating Energy Justice Programs

Energy justice programs vary across the U.S. Explore the patterns among these programs.

"An analysis of energy justice programs across the United States," (S. Carley, C. Engle, D. Konisky, S. Sullivan), Energy Policy, (May 2021)

Link to academic article

Help for Vulnerable Communities

Learn how the Green New Deal can support frontline communities in the energy transition.

"Supporting Frontline and Vulnerable Communities in a Green New Deal," (S. Carley, C. Engle, D. Konisky, S. Sullivan), Public Administration Review, (July 2019)

Link to academic article

State and Local Programs

Further your understanding of state and local energy justice programs.

"State and Local Energy Justice Programs," (S. Carley, C. Engle, D. Konisky, S. Sullivan), Renewable Energy Policy Initiative, (September 2019)

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