Energy Justice Lab News and Events
Which States Limit Utility Disconnections During Cold Weather?
In December 2024, our theme is Which States Limit Utility Disconnections During Cold Weather. This month, we present our infographic related to the cold winter months, utility disconnections, and protections.
Check out the PDF of this infographic here.
Deadly Dog Days of Summer and Disconnection
In August 2024, our theme is Deadly Dog Days of Summer and Disconnection. This month, we present our infographic and facts each week related to the summer heat and utility disconnections and protections.
Check out the PDF of this infographic here.
Fact of the week, August 26: Both average temperatures and the number of excessive heat days are increasing. Indiana is expected to see a 5 to 6 degree increase in average annual temperatures by 2050, with 95 degree days increasing from 7 to 38-51 days per year (IU Environmental Resilience Institute). Learn about heat-related utility disconnection protections on the Utility Disconnections Dashboard!
Fact of the week, August 19: According to NOAA, over the past 30 years, heat-related deaths have far outpaced fatalities caused by other weather-related phenomena, including flooding, tornadoes, hurricanes, lightning, and cold exposure. Learn more about heat-related utility disconnection protections by visiting the Utility Disconnections Dashboard, presented by the Energy Justice Lab!
Fact of the week, August 12: VA is the most recent state to add heat protections for IOU and co-op customers! No electric utility can disconnect any residential customer for nonpayment when the forecasted temp high is at or above 92 degrees F within the 24 hours following the scheduled disconnection. Find this info and more on our Dashboard! Excellent work from Irene Shin and others! For more info on HB 906, check out
Fact of the week, August 5: 42 states have some form of utility disconnection prevention policies in place during the winter months, but only 23 states have similar protections in place during the summer months. For more info about disconnection statistics, policies, and regulations, visit our Dashboard!
Residential Electric Utility Disconnections Across the US
In July 2024, our theme is Residential Electric Utility Disconnections Across the U.S. This month, we present our infographic and facts each week related to residential electric utility disconnections and different types of electric utility companies.
Check out the PDF of this infographic here.
Fact of the week, July 29: Between December 1 and March 15, Indiana IOUs and cooperatives cannot disconnect electrical service from households who receive (or are eligible to receive + have applied for) qualifying assistance. No similar protections exist in the summer! Learn additional stats and more on our Utility Disconnections Dashboard!
Fact of the week, July 21: Last summer, AES Indiana reported it disconnected more households than any other Indiana IOU, with over 18,800 electric disconnections (out of 50,000 total disconnections). In that same summer, Indiana Michigan Power disconnected electric utility service for over 15,700 households due to bill non-payment. Last June and July, Duke Energy Indiana disconnected over 5,100 households from electric utility service due to bill non-payment. For more information about Indiana’s (and other states’) disconnection statistics, policies, and regulations, visit our Utility Disconnections Dashboard.
Fact of the week, July 15: In summer 2023 (June, July, and August), more than 50,000 households served by Indiana’s investor-owned electric utilities experienced service disconnection due to bill nonpayment. Learn more about IOU regulations and disconnection policies by visiting our Dashboard!
Fact of the week, July 8: Utility Ownership 101 - IOUs are publicly or privately owned by stakeholders. Municipal utilities are owned by local government/government bodies. Cooperative utilities are owned by their members/customers. Learn how disconnection policies vary by state and utility type on our Utility Disconnections Dashboard.
Fact of the week, July 1: State disconnection protections vary by regulated utility ownership. In Montana and Kansas, only investor-owned utility (IOU) electricity customers are protected. In Colorado, IOU, municipal, and cooperative electricity customers are protected. Learn about state and utility disconnection policies on our Utility Disconnections Dashboard.
US Energy Insecurity & Poverty
In June 2024, our theme is U.S. Energy Insecurity and Poverty. This month, we present our infographic and facts each week related to energy insecurity, poverty, and utility disconnections.
Check out the PDF of this infographic here.
Fact of the week, June 24: Approximately 3 million American households suffer from electrical utility disconnection every year. Learn more about how and when these instances occur by visiting the Utility Disconnections Dashboard, compiled by us!
Fact of the week, June 17: Energy insecurity is typically cyclical. Those who have previously experienced it are more likely to experience it on a recurring basis. Check out our work here.
Fact of the week, June 10: Common energy insecurity coping strategies for low-income American households include accruing debt, risky temperature behavior, and bill balancing. Only ~8% of low-income households apply for utility assistance or formal loans. Check out our work here.
Fact of the week, June 3: Did you know that as of 2020, 27% of U.S. households reported difficulty paying energy bills or maintaining adequate temperatures, while 20% reported that due to high energy bills, they had to forgo buying necessary items such as food? (US Energy Information Administration, 2020 Resident Energy Consumption Survey)